the max
JoinedPosts by the max
A Rebel with a cause says hello new friends
by the_raisin ini just want to start by expressing gratitude toward all members of this forum.
i have been reading for the last month or so experiences and information that had not been available to me years ago when i was going through chronic depression and isolation.
i wish i could be more 'brave' and show some current little jws the way to this forum, but i am afraid of getting them in trouble :p we all know how sites like this are to them.. with that covered, first, a few things about me:.
the max
Hello and welcome,I am sorry you have had such a tough time of it, try not to be too hard on your mum, that org can with enough time, manipulate and crush people beyond recognition, Im not being patronising when tell you ,your one tough young lady,I was 29 when I got baptised, I served with the British Army, in Londonderry at the hight of the (troubles), I was a boxer,and the people in the Org ripped ME to pieces and I ended up clinically deppressed,some of them, not all, are indeed wicked. I take my hat off to you,you have more guts and balls(sorry !) than I ever did at your age.Once again a very warm welcome.
Who many anointed were there in 1992 ?
by the max inhi everyone, according to some dubs, the year on year increases the annointed is attributal to annointed ones in countrys previously not able to register, for example in former ussr,since the iron curtain came down in circa 1990, i would like to have information regarding the numbers from around this time and onwards, and if you have any comments on these assertions from the dubs, i would appreciate them, regards .
the max
Hi everyone, according to some Dubs, the year on year increases the annointed is attributal to annointed ones in countrys previously not able to register, for example in former USSR,since the Iron Curtain came down in circa 1990, i would like to have information regarding the Numbers from around this time and onwards, and if you have any comments on these assertions from the Dubs, I would appreciate them, Regards
How can the WTS be short of money ?
by the max inso the society have a hedge fund, some(50%) shares in a usa company who specsialise in weapons delivery systems , has a shares portfolio that includes buys up real estate in one of the worlds most lucerative locations ny,uses free labour to refurbish these properties along with its tax free status and then sells them on at a further extends it real estate portfolio by lending money at intrest ,for the building of more kh, again built with free labour and tax breaks, which are never owned by the cong,s who built them, but belong wts.
i am not an economist,though i would be hard pressed to come up with a better economic model than this, also it purports to be politically nuetral, so hopes to operate globally without restrictions, infact the (workers) have to pay the society ,by way of mag sales and donations, in order to give their free labour, no trade union protection or minimum wage.
g--gle, p--si,ya-oo, micro---t, would kill to have these advantages in the market place..
the max
So the society have a hedge fund, some(50%) shares in a USA company who specsialise in weapons delivery systems , has a shares portfolio that includes cigerettes.It buys up real estate in one of the worlds most lucerative locations NY,uses free labour to refurbish these properties along with its tax free status and then sells them on at a profit.It further extends it real estate portfolio by lending money at intrest ,for the building of more KH, again built with free labour and tax breaks, which are never owned by the Cong,s who built them, but belong WTS. I am not an economist,though I would be hard pressed to come up with a better economic model than this, also it purports to be politically nuetral, so hopes to operate globally without restrictions, Infact the (Workers) have to pay the society ,by way of Mag sales and donations, in order to give their free labour, No trade union protection or minimum wage. G--gle, P--si,Ya-oo, micro---t, would kill to have these advantages in the market place.
attended the circuiit assembly today
by im stuck in inwell i went with the wife today to the sunday circuit assembly.
it is really sad to listen to the talks and see the many people that i know.
one talk actually suggested that wisdow is wrong , to me it was just more support that we have all you need why do any research on your own.
the max
I agree with you, the society has 2 rules, 1. The society is always right, and 2. If the society is wrong rule 1 apply,s
is this site dominated by americans and canadians ?
by the max inim new to this forum, most topics up for discussion are usa centric, and thus for us euro,s are boring, like whats on your tv chanels, wtf, who cares what your watching on tv,i dont come here to listen to that, either promote something intresting, or shut the hell up .
the max
Im new to this forum, most topics up for discussion are USA centric, and thus for us Euro,s are boring, like whats on your TV chanels, WTF, who cares what your watching on tv,I dont come here to listen to that, either promote something intresting, or shut the hell up
Is there a new "full court press" to bring back "lost ones"?
by tenyearsafter ini ask the question because all of a sudden i am getting bombarded by my mother and other family members to "take my wife's hand and run back to jehovah before it is too late"!!
i am getting e-mail with screen shots of the un website ( stating "peace and security", being told that this could likely be the last memorial celebrated and that the door to the ark will be closing soon.
has anyone else been seeing an up-tick in these "prodigal son" appeals from jw friends and family?
the max
Unless there have been some new changes, I thought the UN had to rule as a King for 1 hour,this clearly has not happend, its NATO thats dealing with Libiya and Afghanistan, also although it is tragic in Japan where an estimated 25,000 lost their lives in the Tsunami, remember when the RAF bombed Dresden in WW2,in 1 night, an est 70,000 were burned alive in 1 night, in a war were 50million perished in Russia alone, so lets keep things in perspective, whats happening now in the world is trivial,24 hour news chanels, internet ect gives these relatively minor events greatly enhanced impact, I could give countless examples such as when the yanks nuked Japan, so I,d take a chill pill re current events. Next I have no probs running to Jehovah,it,s running back to WTS thats the problem, Whist I understand people feel a need to belong ,and a need to serve Jehovah, do you really want to participate in voluntry enslavement again ? the false teachings, falce prophecy,s lies deceipt,child molesting Goerning body members, who dont even get DF,d not to mention the societys million dollor payouts to victims of child abuse with the gagging orders which greatly minimise the publicity regarding these events.Do you think Jesus would autherise these seceret payouts whilst protecting the scum who attacked these kids, I dont, what do you think ?
Has anyone left still believing it was the truth?
by FollowedMyHeart init seems that most xjws have left because at one point in their jw life something happened that made them start to think something wasn't right with the religion.
when i left, i still believed the jws had "the truth".
i was dying inside, trapped and unhappy (another poster's words, but describes exactly how i felt).
the max
yes, me and my immediate circle in Edinburgh, and in the last two weeks since stumbling onto this forum we have had to face up to the fact we have been fools,all be it well intentioned fools, but fools non the less, still believe in J, as do my mates, so apart from the corruption, sexual deviants, false prophecy,s ect, ect we all wanted to contribute to making this place,WORLD a better safer place for all, I for one have to admit im shell shockedl as are many of my friends, I have had to apoligise to my family for being a complete arse, yet they tolerated my idiocy for years, this lot WBTC GB, are evil, for every nutter greedy selfish tyrant in the Org there are ten people who are fab and with proper guidence and instruction would be a fab asset, just the same as the so called Worldly,s,Just a side note, Even when i got baptised, I would ALWAYS have put my family first they are all better people than i am, just cos I got snared, I still recognised that my family were loving me unconditionly, so i would never turn my back on them, Id rather die with my family than betray them, the fact that WTS purports this as Gods way, is in my opinion, quite insane, and any of you who believes this, you would have been SS gaurds killing all and sundry Jews , yes and even JW,s, because you take instuction unthinkingly,I have nothing to put in its place, and I freely admit,Ive got nothing to contribute more to this debate.X
What drove you? Love or Fear?
by fade_away inthis has probably been discussed here before, but i'm new so sue me.. i think the religion of jehovah's witnesses has been an amazing but tragic social experiment proving that the mind is most vulnerable to brainwashing when it's in an unhealthy state.
it seems to attract the bipolar, schizophrenic, depressive, and the paranoid.
it preys on negative emotions like sorrow and fear.
the max
It was never love, I didnt give a f;;k for anyone i called on, it was just funtional, the most spiritual people were the ones who sold_placed most mags, i could have sold loads, the watchtower was shite, the awake was better, more intresting.I dont know about the rest of you but spirituality = mag sales,yet the potential for love and encouregement,was there though never embraced, if i had resposibility, mag sales would have been irrelevent, would have sent them back,Bethel could used them for toilet paper.Everybody moves through life at there own pace to try and move all humanity at the same pace was and, is ludicorus,So not love nor fear, just indiference, I would never allow myself to be compromised, by anyboby, thats why im here, and unlike all my friends i wanted to be honest and be dfd whils they took the easy way out, a message to all those with family,fade,Im not goinb to finish with all that love bullshit.
by the max inhi everyone, ive never been on any forum before, of any nature, i came accross yours by accident and have been amazed at how uniform all our experiences are re our time spent as jw,s accross cultures, continents, ages and the sexes,(fitly united) but only in grief !!!
im from ediburgh, though it could be anywhere in the world, and as long as i was under the wts( loving umbrella) i could be assured of that life sucking negativity.i spent 9 years of my life allowing non enteties,human scrotums to suck the very marrow from my bones,i ended up devoid of any life, unwilling and unable to defend myself from constant harrassement and character assassination.
the anger has subsided and im ok,but like some of you still a bit disorientated.
the max
Hi everyone, Ive never been on any forum before, of any nature, I came accross yours by accident and have been amazed at how uniform all our experiences are re our time spent as JW,s accross cultures, continents, ages and the sexes,(FITLY UNITED) BUT ONLY IN GRIEF !!! Im from Ediburgh, though it could be anywhere in the world, and as long as I was under the WTS( loving umbrella) I could be assured of that life sucking negativity.I spent 9 years of my life allowing non enteties,human scrotums to suck the very marrow from my bones,I ended up devoid of any life, unwilling and unable to defend myself from constant harrassement and CHARACTER ASSASSINATION. The anger has subsided and Im ok,but like some of you still a bit disorientated. To explain when i first got baptised one of my mates was an elder, a good lad, being a mate he confided in me and bounced ideas of me,although I can,t spell, Ive had a good education,Anyway our congregation was ruled like a prison, with two very strong characters who dominated the other elders.My friend a newly appointed elder lacked experience and support to take these two on,so they ruled with an Iron Fist, I tried to reach out along with all the other male drones, many of us pushed on by our wifes who wanted to show the other wifes that their chosen husband was an MS or ELDER, anyway you get the picture. These Elder meetings were more like the Spannish inquisistion,I know because my elder friend told me evrything about them, he relayed all the hatred and bile spouted in those meetings againts me and my wife and i could do anything about these remarks because the were given to me in confidence, this lasted 7 years,all that effort battling the character assassination,going to the meetings, INSPITE of them,My wife was fully aware of this but would not support me or herself, with misplaced loyalty to these elders since this was,GODS ARRANGEMENT,I was even told this would improve me !!!!! anyhow that was six years ago, our marriage flounderd i commited fornication, i informed the elders, and asked to be disfellowshipped, they duly obliged , My besst friend a faded MS once remarked to me that he had never met a group of people who were more spitefull and nasty to one another than Jehovahs Witnesses, I agreed with him, best of health to you,